Quran Phrases About Most People Shortcodes


Neat way to conclude a blog post when discussing groups of people or behavior of most people e.g label xyz, culture abc. Partial phrases are from Quran (scripture) and are displayed using the following shortcodes:

  1. [people_defient /]
  2. [people_reason /]
  3. [people_know /]
  4. [people_grateful /]
  5. [people_know_also /]
  6. [people_grateful_also /]
  7. [people_argue /]

You can also set the font size, color, and html tag.

Example of setting the font size using size attribute:

[people_grateful size=”100px” /]

Example of setting color:

[people_grateful color=”blue” /]

Example using all attributes along with setting html tag to div to have the text surrounded by div tag. Default tag is p:

[people_grateful size=”100px” color=”blue” tag=”div” /]


  • Shortcode can be entered in most content blocks inside the editor
  • You can preview the shortcode before publishing
  • Using the default editor’s shortcode block to display shortcode


  1. Unzip the plugin archive into plugins directory
  2. Login to WordPress admin dashboard
  3. Mouse over plugins on left dashboard menu and click installed plugins
  4. Click Activiate under “Quran Phrases About Most People Shortcodes”
  5. Edit any post and add one the shortcodes listed above


How do I change the font color of the Arabic text?

Use color attributes with shortcode.

What font are these shortcodes using?

AlQalam Quran font.


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Contributors & Developers

“Quran Phrases About Most People Shortcodes” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Fixed issue to only allow specified attributes size, color and tag


  • Fixed font display issue


  • allow attributes for setting html tag, size, and color of text.